
  • Zukhra Shamsimukhamadova Author




Evolution of magnetic field; magnetic field around neutron stars; Behavior and properties of evolution magnetic field; Collective motion driven by weak interactions in a matter; Movement of charged and neutral particles relative to each other; Hall drift;


In this work, we delve into the key physical processes that govern magnetic fields and their evolution within neutron stars. Our investigation encompasses several crucial aspects: The fundamental properties of the matter constituting neutron stars. Understanding the extreme density, pressure, and composition of this matter is essential for accurately modeling the behavior of magnetic fields within them. Competing processes of the origin of powerful magnetic fields. We explore various hypotheses for how these fields may have formed during the birth of a neutron star or through subsequent processes. The limitations and mechanisms that influence the change of the magnetic field over time. This includes factors that may cause the field to weaken or strengthen over time, as well as potential instabilities that could play a role. A detailed analysis of the Hall drift. This specific phenomenon, where charged particles are separated due to a combination of their motion and the magnetic field, can significantly impact the evolution of the overall field.


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How to Cite

Zukhra Shamsimukhamadova. (2024). EVOLUTION OF MAGNETIC FIELD AROUND NEUTRON STARS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 1(19), 139-153. https://doi.org/10.1808/p5861377