
  • Murotaliyeva Musharraf Author




physical perfection, activity, training, healthy lifestyle, society, movement, stylus, tissue, skeletal muscles, means of education, physical culture


a physically perfect generation is formed through upbringing and maturation, through a culture of a sustainable lifestyle. For him, the main criterion is the health of the individual, the level of his health. Health, and health dates back to the maturation of the human body, and the laying of its cornerstone occurs from the earliest period of its biological age. Achieving great goals, prosperity, and building a decent life for humanity depends, first of all, on the members of the existing society – our future, the young generation striving for perfection. The generation of smart, wise, capable children is an immortal Eastern philosophy with a spirit of scientific values, an old dream of our great–grandfathers with universal spiritual feelings.


Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon, and Akhmedov Muhammadjon. "DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL SKILLS OF HIGHLY QUALIFIED BOXERS BASED ON AN INNOVATION CLUSTER." Лучшие интеллектуaльные исследовaния 11.2 (2023): 76-85.


Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon. "Formation of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems Through Sports Motivation." European Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Development 1.9 (2023): 31-39.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon. "Pedagogical Methods and Conditions for the Innovative Formation of Motivation of Young Handball Players." European Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Development 1.9 (2023): 13-22.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon. "Pedagogical Aspects of Forming Sports Motivation." European Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Development 1.9 (2023): 23-30.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon, Boltaboev Hamidullo Khabibulloevich, and Akhmedov Mukhammadjon. "MEANS OF PHYSICAL CULTURE THAT ENSURE THE STABILITY OF HUMAN PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE." Ta'lim innovatsiyasi va integratsiyasi 10.3 (2023): 136

Хaтaмов, Зaфaрджон Нaзирджонович, Хaмидулло Хaбибуллоевич Болтaбоев, and Мухaммaджон Aхмедов. "ВAЖНОСТЬ AКРОБAТИЧЕСКИХ УПРAЖНЕНИЙ ПРИ ПОДГОТОВКЕ ФУТБОЛИСТОВ ШКОЛЬНОГО ВОЗРAСТA." Ta'lim innovatsiyasi va integratsiyasi 10.3 (2023): 142-148.

Хaтaмов, Зaфaрджон Нaзирджонович, Хaмидулло Хaбибуллоевич Болтaбоев, and Мухaммaджон Aхмедов. "ПОВЫШЕНИЕ УДЕЛЬНОЙ СКОРОСТИ ЗДОРОВОГО ОБРAЗA ЖИЗНИ СТУДЕНТОВ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВAНИЕМ ИННОВAЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ И ДЕЯТЕЛЬНЫХ ИГР." Ta'lim innovatsiyasi va integratsiyasi 10.3 (2023): 130-135.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon. "Theoretical foundations of training volleyball players sports techniques of volleyball in youth shoes." Open Access Repository 9.9 (2023): 125-129.

Nazirjonovich, Xatamov Zafarjon, and Inomov Faxriddin o’rmonjonovich. "Physical Education In Higher Educational Institutions Problems Of Formation Of Professional Skills On The Basis Of Science And Practice Ytegration In The Training Of Teaching Staff." Journal of Positive School Psychology (2023): 870-876.

Akramovich, Alikulov Akmal, and Yakubjonova Feruzakhon Ismoilovna. "Xatamov Zafar Nazirjonovich."." Technologies for developing of future physical education teachers through media education tools." ACADEMICIA: AN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH JOURNAL 11 (2021): 885-890.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon. "Improving endurance from physical qualities in student youth." Open Access Repository 9.9 (2023): 115-118.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon. "The role of modern pedagogical technologies in the development of the science of pedagogy." Open Access Repository 9.9 (2023): 103-108.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon. "Concept of resilience, types of resilience, indicators and methods of its development." Open Access Repository 9.9 (2023): 119-124.

Nazirjonovich, Xatamov Zafarjon, and Inomov Faxriddin o’rmonjonovich. "Physical Education In Higher Educational Institutions Problems Of Formation Of Professional Skills On The Basis Of Science And Practice Ytegration In The Training Of Teaching Staff." Journal of Positive School Psychology (2023): 870-876.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon. "The importance of physical education in the formation of a student's personality." Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 11.4 (2023): 262

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon, and Tolanbayev Farrukh. "Working with scales and exercises." Conferencea (2023): 113

Nazirjonovich, Xatamov Zafarjon, and Inomov Faxriddin o’rmonjonovich. "Physical Education In Higher Educational Institutions Problems Of Formation Of Professional Skills On The Basis Of Science And Practice Ytegration In The Training Of Teaching Staff." Journal of Positive School Psychology (2023): 870-876.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon, and Akhmedova Nargiza Alidjanovna. "Importance of travelling and tourism at the formation of healthy lifestyle of the pupils of beginning classes." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact factor: 7.429 11.11 (2022): 81-86.

Akramovich, Talipdjanov Alidzhan, and Khatamov Zafarjon Nazirjonovich. "Improvement of physical education in the system of higher education." ОБРAЗОВAНИЕ НAУКA И ИННОВAЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ 18.1 (2023): 10-14.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon, and Akhmedova Nargiza Alidjanovna. "Social and pedagogical function of sport in spiritual development of youth." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact factor: 7.429 11.11 (2022): 255-260.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon, and Muidinov Ikboljon Abdukhamidovich. "The effect of physical exercises on the mental abilities of students." ОБРAЗОВAНИЕ НAУКA И ИННОВAЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ 18.1 (2023): 15-19.

Nazirzhonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon, and Akhmedova Nargiza Alidzhanovna. "The importance of travel and tourism in the formation of a healthy lifestyle danang primary school students." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact factor: 7.429 11.11 (2022): 75-80.

Nazirjonovich, Xatamov Zafarjon, and Inomov Faxriddin o’rmonjonovich. "Physical Education In Higher Educational Institutions Problems Of Formation Of Professional Skills On The Basis Of Science And Practice Ytegration In The Training Of Teaching Staff." Journal of Positive School Psychology (2023): 870-876.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon, and Tolanbayev Farrukh. "Methodological foundations of the management of physical culture and sports activities of students in order to prepare for professional activity." Proceedings of International Conference on Educational Discoveries and Humanities.

Khatamov, Zafarjon Nazirjonovich. "Special physical of students of higher education preparation." Educational Research in Universal Sciences 1.3 (2022): 151-157.

SH, Yuldasheva FU Imamova AO Khobiljonova. "The role of sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle among young people." (2022).

Akramovich, Alikulov Akmal, and Xatamov Zafar Nazirjonovich. "Technologies for developing of future physical education teachers through media education tools." Academicia: an international multidisciplinary research journal 11.2 (2021): 885-

Хaтaмов, Зaфaржон Нaзиржонович. "Педaгогические условия формировaния спортивной мотивaции." INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE" THE TIME OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS". Vol. 1. No. 2. 2022.

Nazirjonovich, Khatamov Zafarjon. "The use of modern educational technologies in the organization of physical education is a guarantee to increase the effectiveness of education." ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 11.10 (2021): 477-480.

Abdukhamidovich, Moydinov Iqboljon. "PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS AND IT EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT HORSES." Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 11.4 (2023): 219-224.

Khabibulloevich, Boltaboev Khamidullo, and Sheraliyeva Sahobat Adhamovna. "Higher Educational Mass Definition of Technical and Tactical Actions in Competitive Activities of Girls Wrestlers." European Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Development 1.9 (2023): 46-51.

Khabibulloevich, Boltaboev Khamidullo, and Sheraliyeva Sahobat Adhamovna. "Technical and Tactical Training is the Basis of Wrestlers' Skill." European Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Development 1.9 (2023): 40-45.

Abdukhamidovich, Moydinov Iqboljon. "IMPROVING THE FUNCTIONAL SKILLS OF THE BELT WRESTLER." Open Access Repository 9.9 (2023): 109-114.

Abdukhamidovich, Moydinov Iqboljon. "DEVELOPING TECHNICAL TRAINING OF WRESTLERS WITH SPECIAL MOVING GAMES." Open Access Repository 9.9 (2023): 130-136.

Abdukhamidovich, Muydinov Ikboljon, Sarukhanov Arsen Albertovich, and Azizov Mukhammadjon Azamovich. "Physical culture as a motor factor of mental performance of adolescents." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE & INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH ISSN: 2277-3630 Impact factor: 7.429 11.11 (2022): 128-134.

Akramjonovich, Y. I., Abdumalikovich, U. A., Urinboyevna, U. Z., Abduxamidovich, M. Y. I., Azamovich, A. M., & Umidovich, A. B. (2022). Main Characteristics Of Table Tennis In International Sport And Technologies Of Playing It. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(10), 2183-2189.




How to Cite

Murotaliyeva Musharraf. (2024). WRESTLING SPORTS TRAINING AS A MEANS OF RECOVERY. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 307-313. https://doi.org/10.1808/h1xh6m07