
  • Ortiqova Tursunoy Jumanazar qizi, Norqobilov Sobir Hamza o‘g‘li Termiz iqtisodiyot va servis universiteti, Termiz davlat universiteti



Key words: receptive and productive skills, writing ability, language skills, graphics, student-developed GOs, teacher-developed GOs, acquisition of language


Abstract To gain success in a language learning system, developing sufficient knowledge about four core language skills is very important. In the English language, there are listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. In its turn, they are divided into productive and receptive skills. One of the most abstract, difficultly succeeding skill is considered writing. From this point of view, the following research work focuses on developing writing through graphic organizers. 



Laraib Rahat, Ghani Rahman, Shahabullah. Using Teacher- and Student-Developed Graphic Organizers as a Writing Tool, Journal of language and translation, Vol. 2, No.1, 2011.

Laraib Rahat, Ghani Rahman, Shahabullah. Impact of Graphic Organizers on Reading Comprehension of English Learners at Intermediate Level, Sir Syed Journal of Education & Social Research Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2020 (July – September).

Odewumi Michael, Amosa Isiaka, EFFICACY OF GRAPHIC ORGANIZER ON PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN COGNITIVE WRITING SKILLS, International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports &Science Education - 2019, volume 8, issue 1.

T.Ortiqova, O‘qish kompitensiyasini oshirish uchun sinonimik-antonimik tahliliy jadval usulidan foydalanish, unpublished article.


Nashr qilingan



Ortiqova Tursunoy Jumanazar qizi, Norqobilov Sobir Hamza o‘g‘li. (2024). DEVELOPING WRITING SKILL THROUGH GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 1(12), 63-68.

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