modern linguistic, proto-language, scientific, verbs, grammatically, morphology.Abstrak
Learning one language as a whole system, at the same time, comparing its structure with another language to the level of modern requirements have become the most important component of our life. There are no school and university grammars who are currently teaching Indo-European and Turkic languages, as well as no studies on the theory of parts of speech, in which the problem of pronouns is regarded from various perspectives.
Uzbek language grammar. (1973) Volume 1, Morphology, Uzbekistan SSR “FAN” Press, Tashkent: p-57
Fillmore, C J. (1967) The Case for Case. Universals in Linguistic Theory. E. Bach and R. Harms. New York, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston: p-23
Riemer, N. (2010) Introducing semantics. Cambridge University Press, New York: p-326
Aliyev, A & Nazarov, K. (1992) Reference manual of Uzbek language. Science Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. “NUR” Press: p-44
Pulatov, A. Q., Muminova, T. P., Pulatova, I. O. (2003) Worldly Uzbek language. Volume 1, The Verb Forms in Uzbek and Their Correspondences in Russian and English, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek Press: p-385
Lakoff, G. (1987) Women, fire and dangerous things: what categories reveal about the mind. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, p-228
Sodiqov, A., Abduazizov, A., Irisqulov, M. (1981) Introduction to linguistics. “O’qituvchi” Press, Tashkent: p-155
Buranov, J., B. (1973) Comparative Grammar of English and Uzbek languages. “O’qituvchi” Press, Tashkent: p-100
Erdal, M. (2004) A grammar of Old Turkic. Volume 3 (Section 8, Handbook of Oriental studies. Central Asia ed. by Sinor, D. & Cosmo di., N) Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill. p-368
Sodiqov, A., Abduazizov, A., Irisqulov, M. (1981) Introduction to linguistics. “O’qituvchi” Press, Tashkent: p-156